Geometric Algorithms and Applications

Geometric Algorithms and Applications
José Miguel Díaz Bañez
Seminario I (IMUS), Edificio Celestino Mutis
Matias Korman
In this seminar we will introduce Computational Geometry and its applications. The course will be oriented towards master and Ph.D. students. Only basic knowledge of algorithms and data structures is required. The course is structured in three talks of two hours each.
In the first day we will revisit basic geometric concepts and see how to solve basic operations with computers. Then we view data structures needed for more complex objects (such as polygons). The next two days we will discuss applications. We will start by discussing finding yourself fast in a map, how to find your nearest gas station, and then discuss applications in sensor networks (such as interference and routing). The talks will conclude with an open problem session were unsolved problems will be introduced together with possible ways of solving it.

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